Two days before Christmas, with an entourage of 3, we proceeded to make the delivery of gifts, along with some undergarments and daily necesseties to the Home.

It was a real honour to have met Ms Justine. The work that she continuously does, and her unconditional love for the children is exemplary and simply admirable.
We spoke briefly about their plans for Christmas. Ms Justine explained that it will be a quiet one this year, starting off with an online Christmas Mass followed by some indoor activities with the children. She will also be cooking up a storm the following day.
She expressed that they are a little sad this year, as they will not be able to carry out their yearly ritual of taking a bus ride with the children around the city to see Christmas lights but on the bright side, She was rather relieved that they did not have to wake up at wee hours of the day to prepare everyone for an outing- a somewhat chaotic affair which would take up a day's worth of planning.
She was very pleased with our visit and expressed her utmost gratitude to all of us.

Although we wont be able to physically witness and share the joy with the children during Christmas, we hope they will have a fun and blessed one!
Christmas has and always will be about sharing, giving and caring, and while things might be a little different this year, we’re just glad we still managed to spread some joy!!
We hope next year will be a better one for all of us, meanwhile, enjoy the time with your loved ones
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!
Full video below