Payment & Shipping Method
Sorella Ecommerce Shipping Method & Order Confirmation
Currently, Sorella Malaysia lingerie shop online ships out orders using DHL. We will update you the tracking number via email in 2-3 working days.
Your lingerie online order status will be updated as soon as we ship out your order.
Once your order has been shipped out of our warehouse, you may trace your tracking number on the respective courier service websites for the status of your order. You can use the following link to trace your order delivery status: CLICK HERE
Your order will be shipped out within 3 to 5 business days from your purchase date. Tracking will be available within 24 hours after shipment.
Delivery Fee
- RM10 delivery fee will be included at checkout page on total order.
- Please email us or contact us through Facebook to check on any free shipping campaign.
- Currently Sorella Malaysia only ships within Malaysia.
- Sorella does not provide international shipping.
Payment Gateway
- We are currently accepting payment only through IPay88 payment gateway.
- SST is not applicable